clean the System Caches
Delete all the files in /System/Library/Caches and it's subdirectories but leave the directories and the symbolic links intact. This is very important!Reboot.Recreate the kernel cache.Reboot again.
Delete all the files in /System/Library/Caches and it's subdirectories but leave the directories and the symbolic links intact. This is very important!Reboot.Recreate the kernel cache.Reboot again.
MacOS 10.15 Catalina 的系统的安全性进一步提升。 它对第三方软件及未签名软件越来越严格。安装未签名软件时会提示文件损坏,情况之一如下图: 应该在设置里 把允许来源设置一下。然后: It a simple fix and here is how we fix it: Close System Preferences on your Mac.Open the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities/ folder.Type the…